Campaign Score Calculator

Tired of wasting hours perfecting your campaign high scores? Need an edge over your opponents in high score events?

This calculator automatically finds your high score point. Even better, it tells you how to reach up to 50% higher scores on boss levels using multiple attacks instead of one. This allows you to easily total 5-10 million higher score than possible with just single attacks.

Read more about this at the FAQ section.

Update 2022-02-25: Add support for Arianna legendary 5 and Enchanter guardian buffs

Update 2022-12-07: Campaign calculator is now free to use. Added SG and Mammoth guardian buffs

Enter Your Buff And Equipment Details

Your City Buffs

Honed Blades Lvl:
Vigor Lvl:
Attack Buff %:
Life Buff %:
Enemy Attack Debuff %:
Enemy Life Debuff %:

Your City Guardian Buffs

City Attack %:
City Life %:
Mounted Attack %:
Mounted Life %:
Mounted -foe ATK %:
Mounted -foe LF %:
Archer Attack %:
Archer Life %:
Archer -foe ATK %:
Archer -foe LF %:
Infantry Attack %:
Infantry Life %:
Infantry -foe ATK %:
Infantry -foe LF %:
Woodmen Attack %:
Woodmen Life %:
Woodmen -foe ATK %:
Woodmen -foe LF %:
Lyncean Attack %:
Lyncean Life %:
Lyncean -foe ATK %:
Lyncean -foe LF %:
Longbowmen Attack %:
Longbowmen Life %:
Master Rangers Attack %:
Master Rangers Life %:
Enchanters Attack %:
Enchanters Life %:
Stone Giant Attack %:
Stone Giant Life %:
Stone Giant -foe ATK %:
Stone Giant -foe LF %:
Pack Mammoth Attack %:
Pack Mammoth Life %:

Your Hero Details

Hero Lvl:
Maximum Troops:

Your Hero Skills

Your Hero Mount

Mount Attack %:

Mount Life %:
Mount Life Debuff %:

Mount Attack Debuff %:

Your Hero Equipment

Equipment Life %:

Equipment Attack %:
Foe Life Debuff %:

Foe Attack Debuff %:
Critical Hit Damage %:

Advanced Equipment Settings (Optional) +

Select Campaign Level